The original 1850 chart


The production of the 1850 chart was the fulfillment of the prophecy given in Habakkuk 2:2 “And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” This was the second and last chart Ellen White was instructed should be produced.  It corrected the “…mistake in some of the figures…” that were present on the 1843 chart.  That correction was the end of the great time prophecies of the Bible.

It was determined that the prophetic times did not end with the beginning of the year 1844, but had to extend into that year as far in as they began.  In other words, since it was determined that the 2300 day/year prophecy began in the Autumn of 457 BC, it must extend into the Autumn of 1844.  October 22nd to be exact.

This is the last chart that Ellen White was told should be created.  It is the second chart of the Millerites that was directed by the Hand of God.  After this point, we were never told again that inspiration directed the creation of a new chart s te spletne strani.

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