Le Graphique Prophétique
This chart is not ready yet. It is in its beta stage. But we believe that it can already be a help to many students of prophecy. Please give us your feedback, if you find an error or any inaccuracies.
This chart is not ready yet. It is in its beta stage. But we believe that it can already be a help to many students of prophecy. Please give us your feedback, if you find an error or any inaccuracies.
Le tableau Millerite 1843, en français. Les Millérites consulté dans la production de ce schéma l’accomplissement de la prophétie dans Habacuc: “L’Eternel m’adressa la parole, et il dit: Ecris la prophétie: Grave-la sur des tables, Afin qu’on la lise couramment. Hc 2:2 J’ai vu que ceux qui avaient fait la carte de 1843 avaient été dirigés par le Seigneur, et qu’elle ne devait pas être modifiée; les chiffres étaient exactement ce qu’il désirait qu’ils fussent. Sa main cacha quelques erreurs de certains chiffres, de sorte que personne ne put s’en apercevoir jusqu’à ce que sa main se fut retirée. Premiers Ecrits,74
The millerite chart from 1850, has originally being drawn by Otis Nichols. It was produces after the example of the 1843 chart but should correct the error on it (the date 1843). Ellen G. White writes about this chart: “I saw that God was in the publishment of the chart by Brother Nichols. I saw that there was a prophecy of this chart in the Bible, and if this chart is designed for God’s people, if it [is] sufficient for one it is for another, and if one needed a new chart painted on a larger scale, all need it just as much.” Manuscript Releases, volume 13, 359.