Hi Jeff,
It’s J. I was recently doing a study on Daniel chapter 2 and came to the conviction that the ten toes are the ten kings of Revelation 17 alone and not the ten divisions of the old Roman Empire. Then as I did my research it seems like the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy agree that it is the ten kings of Revelation 17. Then the Lord led me to look at one of your newsletters which were dealing with that subject and I see we have the same view. The iron and clay represents church and state and is relating to the last days. Some of the resistance I met agreed that the ten toes are the ten kings of Revelation 17, but says it’s also the papacy in the dark ages riding the ten kings. I don’t agree with that. I am currently putting something together to prove that wrong but would be grateful for any info you can put my way. Thanks Jeff. J.
I do not believe it is the European kings either. It cannot be. There wasn’t ten kings during the Dark Ages, for three had to be removed before the papacy ruled. The two legs represent both division of Rome and the ten toes must appear after both divisions of Rome. Each of Daniel’s prophecies identifies Rome in two phases. The two legs, the two diverse kingdoms, the little horn and the king of the north all represent Rome’s two phases. I simply choose to not appear very militant on that teaching, because I hate to alienate brethren that still hold that traditional view. Good to hear from you. God bless. Jeff.
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