Breakdown of the Book of Daniel


It seems that we recently had a study that breaks Daniel 1-6 down even further than just 1-6 is history and 7-12 is prophecy. Was that the last Nebuchadnezzar’s Warning Message study? Can you refresh me on those thoughts? If not, that’s okay too. Bible study tomorrow and wanted to bring it up if the conversation allows. (i.e., Daniel 1the test on diet thus SOP, Daniel 2the test on the image thus Sunday observance, Daniel 3…) It went something along those lines…BP.



Chapters one through six illustrate how God’s people are to live at the end of the world and chapters 7 through 12 informs us of what takes place at the end of the world.

Before you got onboard I used to often present the three-fold test for Adventists. It is based upon the three tests of Christ, the three tests during Christ and the three during the Millerites. Time Prophets is simply the presentation where I identify the first of three tests. It is part of a message that includes all three tests.

When analyzed the three tests are the three angels and the first angel is a reform message that convicts of sin. Thus the first test is always associated with a reformer; i.e. Moses, John the Baptist, Elijah, Miller, etc. Thus at the end the first test is the Spirit of Prophecy. The first test with Christ was the health message represented by His test of appetite. Therefore the symbol of all the various reforms represented in the Spirit of Prophecy is the health message, and Daniel 1 is the health message, and represents the first test for the 144,000, the Spirit of Prophecy.

The second test is a visual test…ra-online/. Noah was the first test, for he brought a reform message. The third test for Noah was when the door of the ark closed. The second test for Noah was when the animals got on the ark. The second test is a visual test. Sister White says chapter three of Daniel is the Sunday law at least 11 different times, and I am sure there are more. Chapter three is the Sunday law and the third test for Adventism, where the door closes. There is a visual test before the door closes. It is not the mark of the beast test, which is the third test. The second test has to do with the formation of the image of the beast. The image of the beast is the combination of church and state in the US that culminates in the third test, the Sunday law. The image of the beast test is a visual test. God’s people are required to recognize when church and state are coming together in the US, for when it reaches its conclusion the Sunday law arrives and the door closes. I am on a public computer so I cannot paste in the quote, but she states as follows. Take a couple words and pull it up for yourself: “The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided…”

There is a test that precedes the sealing of God’s people and they are sealed at the Sunday law. This is the test they must pass while probation is still open and probation closes at the Sunday law. It is a visual test for it will be in the news as it is argued out in the halls of Congress. Daniel chapter two is now in the time of the feet, which are composed of iron and clay, which is church and state.

Therefore chapter one is health reform representing the Spirit of Prophecy in a general sense and it is the first test for the 144,000. That test was empowered on 9/11, for you must employ the Spirit of Prophecy to understand 9/11. The empowerment of this test is Revelation 18:1.

Then the divine pronouncement arrives that the first test has been flunked by Adventism in verse 2 of Revelation 18. In verse three of Revelation 18 we see the second test represented by the kings of the earth committing fornication with the whore, church and state. This is the second test, the image of the beast test. This is also Daniel 2, the iron and the clay.

Verse four of Revelation 18 is the Sunday law in the USA, and it is also chapter three of Daniel and it is the third and final test for Adventism where their door closes. Chapter four of Daniel is the first angel’s message, the everlasting gospel; which produces two classes of worshippers, both represented by Nebuchadnezzar. That is Revelation 14:6.

Verse 7 identifies the message of the first angel as a three step message consisting of fear God, give Him glory, for judgment has come. These three steps are in the story of Nebuchadnezzar who was given a warning, then learned to fear God. Once the fear was learned he then gave glory to God and thus provided a judgment message for Belshazzar in the next chapter. Chapter four is an illustration of the first angel’s message.

Chapter five is the Millerites and the 144,000. The Millerite history of the first angel began with the conclusion of Nebuchadnezzar’s 2520 and ended with Belshazzar’s 2520, just as 1798 and 1844 are marked by the 2520. Belshazzar represented the Protestants in the Millerite history that rejected the first angel’s message, while simultaneously representing Adventism at the end that rejects the foundational message which for Belshazzar is represented by the message of Nebuchadnezzar.

Chapter six is an illustration of the Sunday law persecution that begins in the United States. Jeff.

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