Daniel 8:17, Mareh or Chazown?

Hello Jeff,

I saw you when you were at Diamond Lake Church in Washington State. I pray that God is blessing your ministry.

I have a question. I have been reading the Prophetic Time series and am on number five, but when in that series you get to Daniel 8:17 you said that the vision that Daniel was talking about in this is the little glimpse which is Mare’h but according to my Young’s Concordance it is Chazon which is the entire vision. Can you clarify this. It may be that you have a better dictionary than I do that is more complete.

I have also been wondering how you come up with the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the words. What do you use for this? I have the Strongs and the Youngs concordances but it still is not very informative. Is there a Greek and Hebrew dictionary that you could recommend or maybe even something else that you have found especially helpful. Also where have you gotten all of your books of the early pioneers like William Miller are they all in one spot like a CD Rom of something like that? Thank you so much. C.


Sister C,

I have used Strong’s Concordance through the years as the primary source. It wasn’t until about two years ago that it was pointed out to me that Strong’s was incorrect on Daniel 8:17. The new Strong’s which they checked with a computer has corrected it, but that was just recently printed. I have made a public clarification in previous newsletters.

I use the SDA Bible dictionary. There may be a better one, but for what I am pointing out, it is close enough. The definition of the names, that I point out are never to the level where I argue the deeper linguistics. I simply look at the basic meaning given.

I have come across some pioneer books through the years, but my main reference is the Pioneer CD-ROM. It is called “Words of the Pioneers”, and I am sure if you run a web search you can locate a place to order it from. It is very helpful. Everyone should have it. It can be incorporated into the Ellen White CD-ROM, where you can use the same search engine for the pioneer writings and Ellen White. God bless. Jeff.

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