The famous author, Carl Bernstein, writes in his book His Holiness about the “Holy Alliance” between America and the Vatican. Would you tell us in your own words, when did this alliance take place, what was its purpose and what were the consequences of this alliance?

The reason Carl Bernstein wrote His Holiness is because he was working for Time magazine during the time period when the Soviet Union collapsed. Daniel 11:40 identifies the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989. So, Carl Bernstein tells us, that every article he has ever written and he likes to write about, is men that have power. Some people like to write about romance, some people like to write about war, but Carl Bernstein likes to write about powerful men. In the time period when the Soviet Union was collapsing, Time magazine hired him to write an article on the collapse of the Soviet Union. His article became the whole focus of the entire magazine. The Time magazine is from February 24, 1992. It is called: How Reagan and the Pope Conspired to Assist Poland‘s Solidarity Movement and Hasten the Demise of Communism. That’s the subtitle. The title of the magazine is Holy Alliance. It describes the secret alliance that was formed between Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States, and the antichrist of Bible prophecy. When Carl Bernstein gathered the information for this article, he gives testimony that he realized he had come across the greatest story that he would ever find ever in his life. So, he began to gather information to write his book, His Holiness. His Time article is what introduced him into this history and led him to write this book. The alliance between the United States and the Vatican took place in the Ronald Reagan years. Ronald Reagan has stated that he is a Protestant Christian. But Sister White has a very provocative quote. She says this: “Those who become confused in their understanding of the Word, who fail to see the meaning of antichrist, will surely place themselves on the side of antichrist.” Bible Commentary, volume 7, 949. Ronald Reagan has left in the historical record that he came to understand that the Soviet Union was the antichrist of Bible prophecy. He was confused. It used to be that every Protestant knew that the Pope of Rome was the antichrist of Bible prophecy. Inspiration says, if you become confused on that subject, you will end up on the side of antichrist. Because of Ronald Reagan’s belief he was willing to form a secret alliance with the Pope of Rome to try to collapse the Soviet Union. When you talk about Carl Bernstein’s article in Time or his book, these aren’t Adventists. Carl Bernstein is not an Adventist; he is a secular Jew. As he gives his historical testimony about the fulfillment of prophecy, you have to relate to his testimony as the very rocks crying out not an Adventist this is the rocks crying out. Luke 19:40; Habakkuk 2:11.
Two years before Carl Bernstein wrote his article in Time magazine, The Holy Alliance, there was a book that came from a Jesuit, Malachi Martin called The Keys of This Blood. This book talks about a three-way struggle to bring in a oneworld government. The three-way struggle was between the United States, the Papacy, and the Soviet Union. The subtitle of the book explains the whole premises of the book. The title is The Keys of This Blood, but the subtitle is The Struggle for World Dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West. This book is identifying the struggle that is specifically identified in Daniel 11:40. This book was published in 1990. Malachi Martin says in a general sense that everyone living in 1990 will be alive when there will be a One World Government implemented.
We probably don’t have to read this, but we will. This is the first paragraph of the book:
“Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, non-holds-barred, three-way global competition. Most of us are not competitors, however. We are the stakes. For the competition is about who will establish the first one-world system of government that has ever existed in the society of nations…” This book is the rocks crying out. What the book says is that there are three powers that are going to begin a struggle with each other to take control of the earth and to bring in a One World Government. Those three powers are the Soviet Union, the United States and the Papacy. In Daniel 11:40 the Soviet Union is the king of the south, the Papacy is the king of the north, and the United States is the chariots, ships and horsemen. Verse 40 says that at the time of the end, in 1798, the king of the south, atheism, was going to begin a war against the Papacy, the king of the north. As Seventh-day Adventists we know that in 1798 atheistic France delivered the deadly wound to the Papacy. That’s Daniel 11:40. But it continues on in the verse to say, that in time, in a period of time, the king of the north would return and retaliate against atheism, the king of the south. The verse also says, that when the king of the north, the Papacy, retaliates against atheism, the king of the south, when that takes place, that the king of the north, the Papacy, would have the ally of the United States the chariots, ships and horsemen. That is the premise of Carl Bernstein’s work. He demonstrates how in the Ronald Reagan years, Ronald Reagan formed a secret alliance with the antichrist of Bible prophecy for the purpose of sweeping away the king of the south, the Soviet Union. That was fulfilled in 1989. That is the history of Daniel 11:40. The next verse identifies the Sunday law in the United States.

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