We are are a young team in two countries that came together to proclaim the three angels’ message. Our ministries started in 2011 with three brothers but has grown to a group of 8 since then. Our desire is to eat and share the little book with those who are searching for the light of the Mighty Angel that is illuminating the earth with His glory.
We all are Seventh-day Adventists, some are from Brazil, others have decided to leave Europe and settle in the South American continent to devote their lives to work in the vast lands of Latin America. We are gladly at your service!
An overview about prophetic truths of this last generation
This overview has been created during a community hour at the Lambert Fellowship in Bismarck (AR) and was completed by myself. The annual figures give only the approximate starting point of understanding the particular truth. In general, all truths have always been unfolding over a period of time and are still unfolding. As of August, 2015 https://ed-danmark.com/koeb-…ra-online/.
Marco Barrios
1. Rules of Prophetic Interpretation (1989)
The understanding came progressive
- i. Louis Were
- 14 Rules of Interpretation by William Miller
2. The repetition of History — Line upon Line (1989)
- “All the great events and solemn transactions of Old Testament history have been, and are, repeating themselves in the church in these last days.” 3SM 339
- Matthew 25 (“This parable has been and will be fulfilled to the very letter, for it has a special application to this time, and, like the third angel’s message, has been fulfilled and will continue to be present truth till the close of time.” RH 8/19/1890), Revelation 10 (7 Thunders)
- Parts of History in Daniel 11 (“[Quote Dan 11,30—36] Scenes similar to those described in these words will take place.” 13MR 394)
- The histories in Daniel and Revelation (“Study Revelation in connection with Daniel, for history will be repeated…. We, with all our religious advantages, ought to know far more today than we do know.” TM 116–117)
- Isaiah 28
- The Everlasting Gospel
- The Reformlines
3. The Structure — Daniel 11,40-45 (1996)
The Corner Stone to correctly divide the word of truth
- The Time of the End: 1989
- The end of Promotion for adventism at the Sunday Law
- The USA are the glorious Land
4. The old Paths — Habakkuk’s Tables (2001, 2005)
- The 2520 (2005)
- The Daily (1996)
- Islam (2001)
- Revelation 17
5. The Destruction of Jerusalem (2012)
- The history of the spiritual fall of the Adventist church
- 4 generations of Joel 1
6. The 7 Thunders and the Nr. 4 (2013)
- The 7 Thunders and the 7 Kings of Judah and Israel
- The Nr. 4 and Ezequiel 8, Lucifers Rebellion, 4 Kings Judas u.v.m.
7. The Joel Controversy (2014)
- The Day of the Lord
- Islam or Catholic Church
- Literal or Spiritual
- Fanatism (The shaking)
- Public evangelism
8. Ezra 7,9 in connection with Matthew 25 (2013, 2014)
- The events, directly connected with the time of Grace
- The significance of the Midnight Cry
- The binding off, the 5/4
- Priests and Levites
- A second Islamic attack in the Future (at the MC), double the force of 9/11
- Balaam, Joseph
- The 1/1 and the 1/5
9. Fractals (2014)
A tool to understand prophetic Events, Parallels and Lines
10. The Effect of Every Vision (2015)
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah opened up an abundance of prophetic understanding, illuminating the word of God like never before.
- The restitution of spiritual gifts
- The reestablishment of every divine institution
- The image of the Beast
- Esther, Abigail, Ruth